The MHCA has set 3 meetings with senior offices of Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure this spring to discuss MHCA and Highways Committee representatives to discuss the roll out of the tender ad schedule and general program delivery.
Numerous projects listed in the tender advertising schedule(s) have missed their ad date and some have been pulled entirely from subsequent iterations of the schedule.
The meeting’s discussions will look broadly at the delivery of the highways capital program, including under-expenditures, bid validity period and quarry lease permits.
The highways capital program was among a number of priority items discussed at the April 4 MHCA Board of Directors meeting, which saw a re-assignment of board Chair positions and the election of Lafarge Vice President Tina Larsen to the Board of Directors.
Larsen takes the seat at the table vacated by the resignation of James Kaskiw, who chaired the Aggregate Producers Committee for 10 years. Kaskiw was central to the negotiations around protecting aggregate resources in the Capital Region, under threat from development pressures in regional municipalities.
The adjustments included
- Board Vice-Chair Kevin Brown assumes the Chair position of Aggregate Producers Committee
- Marcel Machado becomes Chair the Highways Committee
Other items discussed included:
- Quarry rehab fees were set to increase this year; the fee hike has been delayed to 2024, likely in January. The province commits to giving three months’ notice prior to the increase’s implementation
- City of Winnipeg released its street renewal tender ad schedule. You can see the schedule here
- MHCA is awaiting the Water & Waste tender ad schedule
- The MHCA and partner associations have tentatively set September 12 for a Provincial Leaders Forum, during the expected election campaign. The forum will focus on Growing the Economy
- Rental Rates Committee continues to receive requests from MTI to review an inordinate number of bid-hourly submissions. Bidders are advised to ensure their submissions align with equipment categories set out in the Equipment Rental Rates Guide.
- MTI is adopting new specifications for asphalt concrete; the specs will be included within tenders advertised this season
- MHCA’s Workforce Development Committee has issued a wage survey for industry members to complete. It is part of the strategy to recruit, train and retain workers for critical industry positions, to mitigate the impact of skilled labour shortages
- Committee members are meeting with Manitoba Start, which provide settlement services for immigrants, to set out industry needs and work together in recruitment
- The five national and regional business organizations MHCA is working with, through the Western Canada Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association, have made good progress in gaining political support for a proposed National Plan for Trade Corridor Infrastructure
- Goal is to have the initiative gain support of the Premiers’ Conference of the Federation at its July, 2023, meeting
- The Builders’ Liens Amendment Act (Bill 38) was introduced in the legislature. The bill significantly updates the Builders’ Liens Act with prompt payment rules; while the legislation does not include Manitoba Hydro and Manitoba Transportation & Infrastructure, the province has committed to ensure both public entities comply with the new rules
- MHCA met with Manitoba Hydro to discuss the provision of locate services, should there be a work stoppage due to collective agreement negotiations this spring. Manitoba Hydro has committed to ensuring timely provisions of locates