Former Board member James Kaskiw with Board Chair Dennis CruiseThe MHCA Board of Directors saluted resigning Board member James Kaskiw at a Board meeting April 4.
Kaskiw has served on the board since 2013, at which time he was appointed Chair of the Aggregate Producers Committee.
Kaskiw and the Committee were central to working with the provincial government and rural municipalities in the Capital Region to push back on pressures to cap the development of pits and quarries.
“We are very much indebted to James for his tireless work while chairing the aggregates committee,” MHCA President & CEO Chris Lorenc said. “The work to protect aggregate resources from sterilization in the Capital Region took many years of diligent effort, and he led the committee and the association with deep insight and professionalism on this critical file.”
Kaskiw was until recently Area Manager with Inland Aggregates and has moved to a position with Building Products.
Tina Larson, V-P Manitoba/Saskatchewan, Lafarge CanadaTina Larson, V-P Manitoba/Saskatchewan, Lafarge Canada, joined the board to fill the vacant position. Larson, a professional engineer, has been with Lafarge since 2010, moving from Alberta to her current assignment in 2020.
Board Chair Dennis Cruise presented Kaskiw with a plaque for his service to the industry, as he did to three long-standing members who have recently retired from the Board:
Barry Arnason (2002-2022) served on the Executive Committee, chairing a number of committees (Rural Infrastructure; Aboriginal; WORKSAFELY®) before assuming the position of Treasurer, Vice-Chair and then Chair.
Greg Orbanski (2002-2022) Chaired the Equipment Rental Rates Committee, served on Executive Committee, as Sec-Treasurer, Vice-Chair and Chair. He also served as Chair of the Western Canada Roadbuilders & Heavy Construction Association for 4 years.
Bob Reidy (2003-2022) served as Chair of the Safety, Health and Environment and the Membership committees, and also served on the Executive Committee, Secretary, Vice-Chair, Chair and also as Chair of the WCR&HCA.
“All of our Chairs, when they assume their positions, gratefully acknowledge the work of former Chairs and it is certainly true the three retiring Board past-chairs dedicated many years to ensuring the profile and impact of the MHCA grew and punched above its weight,” Lorenc said.
“Our work as an association relies heavily upon the dedication of its industry leaders and you don’t understand the enormous commitment of time and effort until you’ve served on the MHCA board.”