The condition of Winnipeg’s roads and infrastructure is the No. 1 complaint of Winnipeggers, the City of Winnipeg’s 2020 Citizen’s Survey indicates. The telephone survey, conducted by PRA in May, had 600 respondents, and is considered accurate +/-4%, 19 times out of 20.
The most commonly cited action by respondents, to improve their quality of life in Winnipeg, was related to roads and infrastructure. Roads/infrastructure was cited by 29% of respondents.
“We know that historically the condition of our roads and streets has been the greatest concern of Winnipeggers, so this result is not surprising,” MHCA President Chris Lorenc said. “I hope city councilors reflect upon the complaint, especially those engaged as part of council’s budget working group now preparing the draft 2021 operating and capital budget.”
The 2020 budget cut the local and regional street renewal program, and projected larger reductions in the street repair budgets from 2021-24. The MHCA is asking Winnipeggers to call their councilors to ensure City Council hears the call to #FixOurRoads.
The city does its Citizen’s Survey each year, to test attitudes and priorities of Winnipeggers relating to city services. In 2019, as Winnipeg witnessed rising numbers of brazen thefts and assaults at liquor stores and retail outlets, the same survey found crime and policing was the greatest call to action, at 51%. This May, crime and policing was cited by 24% of respondents.
Historically, street condition has ranked as the first priority of Winnipeggers in a variety of regular public opinion polls and surveys.