The provincial government should focus on promoting regional trade corridor investment to secure economic growth for Manitoba now and in future years, the MHCA’s pre-budget submission recommends.
“We have seen very good interest and a number of regional and national partners join in the campaign for a Western Canada Trade Gateway & Corridor Initiative, which we propose to be funded through a significant recapitalization of the federal trade corridor fund,” MHCA President Chris Lorenc said.
“It’s precisely the program and the strategic investment plan Canada and all provinces need to pull out of the economic slump triggered by the pandemic.”
Lorenc spoke to the MHCA’s pre-budget submission, which has been sent to the Manitoba Finance minister and Doyle Piwniuk, Minister of Transportation and Investment, at the January 25 meeting of the MHCA Board of Directors. A meeting with Piwniuk is scheduled for later in February.
The board was told the pre-budget submission advocates for elevating the role of Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure (MTI) to focus more on economic development through a strategic infrastructure investment planning approach, rather than strictly on managing the provinces highways, bridges and water structures as separate asset classes.
To read the MHCA pre-budget submission click here.
The Board was also briefed on discussions with MTI senior officials regarding the timing and scope of the tenders and construction contracts for the Lake Manitoba/Lake St. Martin outlet channels project.
Those discussions also touched on the expectations for using Tier 4 equipment, given the market’s take up and the challenges in cold-weather operations.
Among the other priorities discussed at the Board meeting were:
- The provincial government is in discussions with the MHCA and the Winnipeg Metropolitan Region concerning a task force to review potential for increasing the recycling of construction, renovation and demolition wastes.
- The MHCA is working with the Circular Innovation Council of Canada on the issue of recycling concrete aggregates in the construction industry. A national workshop is to be held February 10 on the matter.
- MHCA has had further discussions with the Public Works administration and with Winnipeg City councillors regarding the efforts to increase use of recycled concrete aggregates. A report to the IRPW Committee in January saw the issue put over to the committee’s next meeting, pending additional information from the industry.
- MHCA joined a number of other industry stakeholder organizations for a consultation session on Winnipeg’s Transportation Master Plan. MHCA and industry stakeholders expressed concerns regarding the need to focus on economic value in streets investment program, including identification of high-value regional corridors.
- Winnipeg is increasing investment in its Combined Sewer Overflow program; MHCA has met with Water & Waste Committee Chair Coun. Brian Mayes to discuss the capacity of the local market
- Discussions with the City of Winnipeg concerning the specification review continue. The City has signalled it intends to proceed with specification changes to asphalt and for Portland Concrete.
- MHCA Highways Committee will be meeting with MTI senior administration to restart regular meetings regarding the highways capital program, general operations, timely payments and budget review.
- The community and industry working group on Winnipeg’s proposed social procurement framework and action plan submitted a joint recommendation to the administration and the IRPW. The working group is seeking an external consultant to assist in the discussions and preparation of the social procurement action plan.