MHCA acknowledges it is located on Treaty One land and the homeland of the Metis Nation

Gillingham, Loney cost out their mayoral campaign platforms

Two of the four leading mayoral election candidates in Winnipeg have put some numbers to their promises, explaining how they will pay for the services they would provide to citizens should they be elected.

Scott Gillingham, currently a councillor in the St. James ward, set out his big-ticket items in a release this week. Additional investment in roads would see $50 million over four years, $8 million to plan out extending Chief Peguis Trail from Main Street to Route 90, and widening Route 90, and $13 million additional for active transportation on arterial and collector streets.

The revenues, Gillingham explained, would come from increasing the frontage levy by $1.50 per foot. He would also raise the annual 2.33% property tax hike by 1.2%, to a total of 3.5%, with the additional revenue funding ward-level parks and recreation projects and general services.

Further, he would freeze the current business tax rate and any new rebates.

Shaun Loney released platform costing as well this week. The social enterprise founder and business operator said he would increase property taxes to cover investing $20 million in active transportation from 2023-2026, $2 million to protect Winnipeg’s trees and $1 million for reconciliation.

Property tax would increase to 3.7% in 2023 and increases from ’24-’26 would be determined by a tax review. Another new tax of 25 cent per day per on parking spots would also go to road repairs, transit and active transportation.

While he would phase out the business tax, he would equally increase commercial property tax rates to make up the loss in revenue.

Loney’s costing said his initiatives on freeing up police by shifting calls for service to non-profit community organizations – reducing non-urgent dispatch calls by at least 10% — would relieve the pressure to increase emergency services budgets annually. The use of social procurement to shift some workload to non-profits would also be implemented.

Other costed items in Gillingham’s platform include $1.1 million additional per year for the city’s 311 service line, to ensure prompt response to calls, augmenting phone and email contact with a chatbox.

As part of Gillingham’s plan to enlarge city revenues, he said he would enter negotiations with the provincial government for a ‘real deal for growth’ that would benefit the provincial government, too.

Topics would include confirmation of a joint strategy on legal and financial issues to phase out or merge out the separate business tax, shared targets on development decision speeds, and linking provincial grants to a growth metric (such as growth in Winnipeg-sourced PST revenue, or Winnipeg-metro GDP growth) to incentivize pro-growth approaches at the City level

Loney’s ‘build-it-better’ infrastructure innovation fund of $1 million, over four years, would be funded by a new internal levy on transportation-related capital projects.

Chair’s Gala

November 18, 2022
RBC Convention Centre

Close to 650pp attended from both industry, government and stakeholder partners.  It was the closing of Nicole Chabot’s two year term as Chair.  Dennis Cruise of Bituminex Paving was welcomed as the new Chair.

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2022 Heavy Santa

December 16, 2022
David Livingstone School

This event was made possible through fundraising at the MHCA Chair’s Gala and Spring Mixer.

104 goodie bags and presents were prepared for the grades 1-4 students at David Livingstone School. 

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Awards Breakfast & Annual General Meeting

November 18, 2022
RBC Convention Centre

Manitoba Transportation & Infrastructure (MTI) Award Winner

  • Grading – Strilkiwski Contracting Ltd.: PTH 6 Grahamdale
  • Paving – Coco Paving o/a Russell Redi-Mix: Bituminous Reconstruction PTH 83
  • Urban Works – Coco Paving o/a Russell Redi-Mix: Bituminous Reconstruction PA 634 and Bituminous Pavement PTH 5
  • Special Projects – Mekhana Development Corp/Arnason Industries Ltd: Theresa Point Airport
  • Major Structures – D. Steele Construction: Bridge Replacement over the Red River Floodway on PTH 59N
  • Minor Structures – Moncrief Construction Ltd.: Reinforced concrete box culvert on PTH 5
  • Water Management – Brunet Ltd.: Flood response, Morris ring dike closure

200 members and guests gathered to hear greetings from Premier Heather Stefanson and the newly elected Mayor of Winnipeg, Scott Gillingham. Hon. Doyle Piwniuk, Minister, Manitoba Infrastructure, handed out the MTI Awards.

31 companies were recognized for their milestone membership commitments.

Matthew Neziol, of Bayview Construction, received the Safety Leader Award.

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