The 2024 MHCA Membership Directory and Equipment Rental Rates Guide is in the last stages of preparation. Members should see the new edition in their mailboxes mid-March. Non-members can purchase the new Directory, in March, online or by contacting the MHCA at 204-947-1379.
There are some substantial changes to the 2024 skid steer rates and group classifications:
- skid steer classification into Groups has been further defined, rated by lift capacity
- new Groups were added
- hourly rates have risen, on average 21% to reflect rising acquisition and maintenance costs of skid steers
- skid steers with GPS have been listed as a machine for which a premium can be charged.
The Guide also now has a refined definition of the Non-current and Previous categories, adding specific dates when ‘non-current’ and ‘previous’ machines were available.
The Equipment Rental Rates Committee has worked over the past two to three years to make necessary adjustments to all equipment rates and classification, adopting where necessary weights or capacity to more precisely define model groupings.
That work continues, as needed.
The Committee relies heavily upon equipment vendors to submit their own model updates each year, to ensure they’re current. If a vendor fails to return their updates, inaccuracies creep in.
Note: In 2021, information on rate premiums for Machine Control, Surveying and GPS Technology became a separate section, at the end of the Guide, for user ease.
Finally, the Committee would like to remind all equipment owners, given the changes that have been made to date, to check your models against the classifications in the Guide, when submitting bids to project owners’ tenders.
Submission of incomplete or inaccurate information can lead to rejection of a bid.
For questions regarding the Equipment Rental Rates Guide, please contact Catherine Mitchell, MHCA manager of policy and communications, at or 204-802-3529