The MHCA Equipment Rental Rates Committee has approved a 2% increase, across the board, to equipment rental rates for 2025.
The rate increase was adopted to adjust for increased capital costs, input (parts, undercarriage); US/Cda exchange rate; and labour costs.
Other changes in the 2025 the Guide include a clear definition, spelled out on the pages of model listings, of what qualifies as a ‘current’, ‘non-current’ or ‘previous’ models and a new category is added to mulchers, to accommodate rubber track mulchers (Group 1). Steel track mulchers are now categorized from Group 2-5.
The Guide will include a “How to use this Guide” explanation to make clear that the year of a model determines, ultimately, the applicable hourly rate for equipment.
Motor graders are now classified by typical operating weight, including ripper and push block. They have previously been classified by standard operating weight.
“I am very grateful for the time, dedication and the knowledge brought to our table by each of the members of the Equipment Rental Rates Committee,” Committee Chair Greg McKee said.
“Many volunteer hours have been spent attending to the issues and the annual review of rental rates listings. Thank you, to all.”
The MHCA 2025 Membership Directory and Equipment Rental Rates Guide is being finalized and will be sent to the publisher in the first week of January. They should be in the mail to members at the end of February.