Performance & Wellbeing: For Managers
There is an array of factors that can accumulate stress and burnout in your workplace. Organizational change, higher demand with workloads, high competition, a lack of communication and overall interpersonal conflict between staff. Whatever the factor, stress and burnout will create undesired outcomes in worker performance, safety, morale, retention, health and absenteeism. Such outcomes can put serious strain on your staff and your organization. This program aims to help diminish the potential for stress amongst your staff and prevent them from experiencing burnout in their working life.
This course is delivered as an on-line e-learning course. Video e-learning allows trainees to view realistic scenes and be tested on their knowledge retention. This e-learning course is designed to help you learn at your own pace and in your own environment.
What you will learn:
- Causes of Staff Stress
- Stress In The Workplace
- Stress Management
- Causes of Staff Burnout
- Signs Of Burnout
- Recovering From Burnout
- Preventing Stress & Burnout
- Risk Assessment & Legal Obligation
*An e-course seat is not eligible for a refund.